lunes, 1 de marzo de 2010

Field Trip 1 - Barcelona History Museum

Our first field trip took place at the Barcelona History Museum. To get to the museum we used the metro and got off at the Jaume I stop. The museum was very interesting because it held all the actual remains of stone from the very beggining of Barcelona. It is displayed underneath the Plaza del Rey, which means the King's Square. It is located very close to the Cathedral as well. It was fun that you got in the elevator and got to see the years going backwards until you arrived downstairs almost 2000 years in the past. You basically can walk through the Roman Barcino. It was upsetting that you were not allowed to take photos in the museum. I was most interested in the fact that people used the urine as a cleaning agent when doing laundry before any form of detergent was invented. I also was interested to learn that Barcelona is not well known for their wine, and the container that wine is held in can change it's taste. This was another museum where I was shocked by the amount of detail that people from so long ago were able to put into their architecture. Furthermore, all the kitchen tools and the personal care supplies displayed in the windows never cease to amaze me. It surprises me all the time that people were able to have such great craftsmanship without any form of advanced technology. In general I do not sense much differences between a museum in Barcelona and a museum in the United States. They are very similar to one another. However, I was upset that this museum was not more hands on. I always enjoy when I go into museums where you can somehow interact with what is being displayed, or sit and watch a short movie clip that explains more or try something on, or get more involved rather than just observing.

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